The CANADIAN HELLENIC CONGRESS sent letters to UNESCO, Prime Minister of CANADA Justin Trudeau, USA president Donald Trump, President of the RUSSIAN Federation Vladimir Putin and a Joint letter with the ARMENIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF CANADA and the SERBIAN NATIONAL SHIELD SOCIETY OF CANADA to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Francois Philippe Champagne and the Canadian Commissioner Mr. Goupil in Ottawa .
These letters were also sent to the leader of the Opposition, leaders of the other parties, ministers and members of the SENATE CANADA and other distinguished recipients.
- June 24 2020 president Azoulay of UNESCO
- Letter CHC UNESCO DG AzoulayA re Hagia Sophia vf200624
- July 21 2020 PM of CANADA Trudeau
- Letter Hagia Sophia PMTrudeau vf170721
- July 21 2020 USA president Trump
- Letter Hagia Sophia POTUSTrump vf170721
- July 21 2020 RUSSIAN president Putin
- Letter Hagia Sophia PORPutin 170721
- 23 July 2020 Joint letter with the Armenians and Serbians to Canadian MFA Champagne
- Letter CHC ANCC SNSSC CanMFA Champagne re Hagia Sophia vf200721 EN via email
- 23 July 2020 Press Release in Greek to the Canadian Greeks from Cost to Cost
- PR CHC Hagia Sophia Joint Efforts w ANCC SNSS vf200723 GR
- 3August 2020 Letter to Canadian Commissioner for UNESCO Goupil
- Letter CHC Hagia Sophia UNESCO CC SG GoupilS vf200803