At the 19th AHEPA GALA in Montreal, the Canadian Hellenic Congress  met with the AHEPA family executives, from left the Ex Canadian President Dr. Kenneth Matziorinis, the Montreal Chapter President Mr. Ioannis Panagiotou, the President  of the Canadian Hellenic Congress Dr. Theodore Halatsis, the Supreme President of the AHEPA Mr. Carl Hollister from Washington DC, the Canadian President Mr. Christos Argiriou and the Vice President Administration-Secretary of CHC Dr. Costas Pappas.Returning back to Washington, the Supreme president Mr. Hollister made a statement that “Turkey’s provocations are alarming and a danger”. The CHC endorsed it and released a congratulation letter AHEPA CHC C Hollister revd TH 180215 to thank him for his strong position for our national issues. A letter to U.S.Secretary of State Tillerson followed HollisterToTillerson.

From the viewpoint of the CHC, we strongly believe that our  cooperation with the great and historic AHEPA organization will be a significant step for the unification of Hellenism globally.  We also believe that the outcome of our discussions has opened a new era in our relations. The strong determination of AHEPA to cooperate with the CHC, became obvious during the November 2017 Convention, where we had two AHEPA dignitaries as speakers, namely Mr. Katsepontes, the Legal advisor, Dr. Matziorinis the ex Canadian president and Mr. Panagiotou, the Montreal Chapter President as a moderator.

It was sad, while the November 2017 convention was devoted to the “Macedonia Geopolitics” issue, the Macedonian organizations not only abstained, but boycotted the Convention.

The statement of the AHEPA Supreme president can be reached at https://www.ahepanews.org/single-post/2018/02/13/Statement-Turkeys-Provocations-Are-Alarming-and-a-Danger